MetaObjects Preview

12 Jul 99

Preview TSX Released!

A Preview version of MetaObjects is now available for download. MetaObjects extends the primitive objects available in trueSpace to include Platonic solids and their derivatives (archimedians, stellations etc...), geodesic objects, curved, rounded primitives (like RoundIt but with more primitives than just a cube), object struting and more. All objects seen in the images below were made directly from MetaObjects. Click on the thumbnails for a larger version (800x600).

This Preview version creates Platonics, truncated Archimedians, geodesics and strutted objects.


trueSpace 3.1 or above
trueSpace 4.1 or above to use union tools


NB: This plugin requires the most recent MFC DLL to be installed on your system. Download it from here. Alternatively, you can try out the static version below.
This plugin is available for free from the following sites:

Bendy's 3D Systems

MetaObjects preview (37,531 Bytes)
MetaObjects preview (static version) (101754 Bytes)
Readme File

If you are having problems installing MetaObjects Preview you probably need to update your MFC dll. Click here to update it.

Development images

Platonic And 1st Level Archimedian

The 5 Platonic solids (Tetrahedron,Hexahedron, Octahedron, Dodecahedron, Icosahedron), and their first level archimedians. Can you spot the bucky ball?


MetaObjects can create geodesic objects. Pictured are depth 4 Tetrahedron, a depth 2 Icosahedron and a depth 3 Octahedron. Also pictured in the background is a 2nd level Octahedron which has been through MetaObjects unique struting process. Struting takes a MetaObject or user defined mesh and adds cylinders at every edge and spheres at every vertex to create a strutted object. User can specify which objects to use when replacing vertices and edges


Everyone loves BuckyBalls so I just had to throw a few in. These are standard buckys with struts placed around them.
All the processes used to create objects in MetaObjects (truncation, geodesic, rounding, stellation, struting etc) will function on user meshes.

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